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テーマ『 Two words I learned in U.S』


I’ve lived in the U.S and I learned a little about “ijime”. I want to introduce two words, “rude” and “bullying”. I learned  these words in the U.S.



Rude means to hurt someone unpurposely. Bullying means to hurt someone purposely. The difference is whether it’s on purpose or not.

rudeは意図せずに誰かを傷つけてしまうこと、bullyingはわざと誰かを傷つけることという意味で、    違いはわざとかわざとでないかです。


Some people may think this is the wrong meaning. That’s true. The dictionary defines rude as “behaving in a way that is not polite and upsets other people”, bullying is “the behavior of person who hurts or frightens someone smaller or less powerful” .

一部の人は意味が間違っていると思うでしょう。     その通りです。辞書には、rudeは「 礼儀正しくなく、他の人を怒らせるような振る舞いをすること、」、bullyingは「自分より小さい、あるいは力の弱い人を傷つけたり怖がらせたりする人の行動 」だと載っています。


But I liked these words in the meaning I learned in the U.S. So, I’ll introduce “rude” and “bullying” in that meaning.



By the way, words have power. The words you said without thinking might hurt someone. I have an experience like that. I have hurt friend once.



Japanese people in the U.S go to English school and Japanese school. That friend stopped going to Japanese school. In English school, I asked him why he stopped going.



I just wanted to know why, but it hurt my friend. My friend transferred schools before repairing our friendship.



To prevent things like that we have to be careful of what we say, but it’s very hard to always be careful.



You can rely on your friends so, if the word is rude, they can give you advice, just saying “that’s rude” and you can repair your friendship or maybe you will notice and you can say “sorry”.

しかし、友達を頼ることができます。友達は「that’s rude」というだけで注意することができます。そしたら、仲直り、又は自分で気づいて謝ることができます。


Even if friends don’t transfer schools, it’s important to resolve it as early as we can. People will help only one side and the number of person who hurt someone will increase as time goes by.



If the number of people who hurt someone gets larger, people will be on their side to protect themselves because they don’t want to get attacked. So it is very important to resolve it as early as we can.



Don’t you think we need these two words, “rude” and “bullying”?

These words can be used in another way. They can be used when we can’t identify whether something is “ijime” or not.



I‘ve been talking so far about rude” and you may think “what about bullying?”. Well, we need that word too.



The difference is that rude words are a lot easier to resolve. To prevent rude, we just need to say ”that’s rude”.



But to prevent bullying, we might need to empathize with the person who is bullying. Because, the problem lies within the person, not the words. Saying “that‘s rude” won’t have any effect on bullying. 

しかし、bullyingはその人に寄り添ってあげる必要があるかもしれません。なぜなら、問題は言葉ではなくその人にあるからです。したがって、「that’s rude」というのはbullyingには効果がありません。


As I said, the words “rude” and “bullying” can prevent someone from getting hurt. Now, don’t you think we need these two words, “rude” and “bullying”?



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